Deepen the brand world of the No. 1 selling IPA in Texas as it expands into new SKUs.
Develop new versions of the beloved Hopadillo by creating a new monster with its own lore for each new product.
Creative Direction, Narrative & Messaging, Campaign Creation, Custom Illustration, Point of Sale, Digital Advertising, Print Advertising, Out of Home Advertising, Radio, Broadcast

Not All Monsters Bite

From the hazy fog emerges a new Hopadillo boasting monstrous flavor without the bite. Legend has it, this beast has a softer side. Maybe it’s from the tropical fruits from which it feasts. Or maybe the haze has gone to it’s head. This IPA isn’t as scary as it looks but you might be afraid of how much you like it.
Photography by Josh Olade

Something's In The Water

Surfacing from the depths is an all new Hopadillo on the hunt for juicy waves and killer flavor. The locals say it surfs from island to island gathering the tastiest tropical fruits for this freshly squeezed brew. Swim at your own risk, the deliciousness might pull you under.

Photography by Josh Olade

We've Created a Monster

Austin Addy's | Cross Platform Consumer Campaign 2020 | Gold

We've Created a Monster
30-Second Spot
Austin Addy's | Cross Platform Consumer Campaign 2020 | Gold
The Legend is True
15-Second Spot

Heartfelt thanks to our friends who helped along the way including director
Ariel Quintans and Amanda Fox and the killer production team at